Award for the most innovative sustainability business model

In the months of November and December 2024, we organised the testing of the innovative, practice-oriented web-based learning materials developed in the SustainEd (2023-1-HU01-KA220-HED-000165475) Erasmus+ project among students at our University. The students could...

Visit of an Azerbaijani delegation

On December 19, 2024, a delegation from Azerbaijan visited our University and was received by Dr. Péter Szatmári, Vice-Rector, Prof. Dr. Henrietta Nagy, Prof. Dr. György Neszmélyi and Dr. Vid Honfi. The Vice-Rector for International Relations led the 3-member foreign...

Welcome to the Second Edition of the SustainEd Project Newsletter!

At SustainEd, we are committed to revolutionising sustainability education within higher education institutions. Our mission is to equip university students with the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to actively participate in the green transition and...