Department of Methodology and Informatics
Department of Methodology and Informatics
Today in many cases, the local and international labour markets are much more advanced in knowledge and capital, translating into a much higher level of preparedness than those freshly graduated. Therefore, it would seem that there is a persistent lack of qualified employees, despite a large number of IT courses and programs.
To remedy this, the Department has made it a point to outfit itself with the necessary equipment. Well-equipped computer labs and research centre are available to meet the industry’s expectations. Students are trained with current and even state of the art hardware and software. The Department’s Instructors believe that, following the abstract knowledge of the theoretical material, it is more important than ever to develop an IT-based computer science knowledge system for students.
We are not just to prepare the students for a programming language and teach them how to develop or manage systems. Our goal and commitment we have undertaken are to pass on an adaptable, renewable approach necessary for professional science delivery.
In addition to their studies, we consider it is essential for students to attend conferences and workshops and participate in various national and international competitions. As described in the mentor program, we support students who turn to us regardless of their vocation because their success is the university’s success.
The Department is responsible for subjects relating to mathematics, statistics and IT. The Department is responsible for the undergraduate (BA) degrees and provides dual training in the higher education market.

Head of Department

Department Secretary
“C” building, ground floor, room 07
Telephone: 06 1 454 7600 / extension 127